Study of cost determinants in the care of subjects with traumatic spinal cord injury
Spinal Cord Injuries, Costs and Cost Analysis, Length os Stay, Postoperative Complications, RehabilitationAbstract
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is the main etiology related to spinal cord injury in young men. Due to the complexity of health care for these patients and their complications, the costs involved in these cases are high. Objective: To evaluate the costs associated with hospital and outpatient care for patients with traumatic spinal cord injury at a university service. Methods: This study was based on the review of clinical information about spinal cord injury and its complications, as well as the search for monetary amounts related to inpatient and outpatient care of individuals with traumatic SCI in a university service in 2009. Results: There were 51 patients with spinal trauma, of which 14 had SCI (age= 38.9 ± 20.8 years; men: 86%). Costs were R$402,908.68 in the absence of spinal cord injury and R$304,433.77 with spinal cord injury, and were statistically associated to the length of stay, the number of clinical complications and surgical procedures. Rehabilitation accounted for 23% of costs for patients with SCI. Conclusion: The costs related to the care of patients with SCI are higher than those associated with spinal trauma without neurological damage. The number of clinical complications is directly correlated with the length of hospital stay and the costs of this care. Rehabilitation corresponds to a smaller part of the expenses in the care of patients with SCI.
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