Predictive model for the number of weekly steps, based on the physical fragility of centenarians: Project SC100
Aged, 80 and over, Frailty, Exercise, Longevity, Life Style, Sociodemographic FactorsAbstract
Objective: To propose a predictive model of the number of weekly steps, according to the criteria of the frailty phenotype of centenarians, the sociodemographic factors, health conditions and life habits. Method: This is a cross-sectional research that is part of the "Projeto SC100: Estudo Multidimensional dos Centenários de Santa Catarina". The frailty phenotype criteria were: unintentional body mass loss, fatigue, muscle weakness, reduced walking speed, and low level of physical activity. The number of steps/day in a normal week was measured using a pedometer during 7 days of a normal week. Data were collected by previously trained researchers in the homes of the older adults. Binary logistic regression was employed to build the predictive models. Results: We evaluated 54 centenarians with a mean age of 101.8±2.8 years. Among the main results, centenarians who have fewer steps per week are 4.61 (95% CI: 1.34-15.94) times more likely to have the criterion low walking speed, this result was adjusted by socio-demographic variables. Also, centenarians who have fewer steps per week have 8.29 (95%CI: 2.05-33.37) times more chance of presenting the criterion low walking speed and 3.35 (95%CI: 1.02-11.38) times more chance of presenting the criterion fatigue, these results were adjusted by lifestyle variables. Conclusion: Centenarians with fewer steps per week present any of the frailty phenotype criteria (loss of unintentional body mass, fatigue, muscle weakness and reduced gait speed), regardless of socio-demographic variables (gender, education, marital status and income) and lifestyle habits (smoking history, alcoholism and sedentary behavior).
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