e-Seating - Application to support evaluation and prescription process of wheelchairs and postural support devices: user experience evaluation
Occupational Therapy, Wheelchairs, Mobile Applications, Software DesignAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the usability of the e-Seating application in the MVP state, taking into account the experience of prescribers in clinical practice. Methods: Design-Based Research (DBR) and agile Scrum methodology with an iterative development approach were used to improve e-Seating, considering user evaluations through a User Experience Questionnaire - UEQ based on Schrepp, Hinderks and Thomaschewski. Three tests were performed with 17 wheelchair prescribers, being divided into test 1 with 6 professionals, test 2 with 5 and test 3 with 6 professionals. Data were analyzed by statistical test (t test) and UEQ analysis tool. Results: With the evaluation of user experience and constant improvement of e-Seating based on the evaluations, it was concluded that e-Seating was more acceptable by prescribers who work in private places and with self-employed professionals than with professionals who work in the Public sector. Conclusion: The use of the App can support rehabilitation professionals in the wheelchair prescription process, helping to systematize and integrate information throughout the patient's journey.
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Grant numbers 01.21.0084.00 -
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