Factors correlated to exercise intolerance upon discharge in patients hospitalized for COVID-19
Exercise Tolerance, Muscle Strength, Functional Status, Hospitalization, COVID-19Abstract
Objective: To verify the prevalence of exercise intolerance and the correlation with the sociodemographic, clinical, hospitalization and physical function profile at discharge of patients hospitalized for COVID-19. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 52 patients hospitalized for COVID-19 at Hospital Santa Casa de Misericórdia in Vitória, Espírito Santo. Information was collected at discharge regarding the sociodemographic, clinical, hospitalization and physical function profile, through a semi-structured questionnaire, electronic medical record, scales and tests. The Modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) was used to grade dyspnea, the Medical Research Council (MRC) was used to assess peripheral muscle strength, manovacuometry, through maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures, to measure respiratory muscle strength and the Independence Measure Functional (MIF) for functionality. The outcome variable, exercise tolerance, was measured by the 1-minute Sit and Stand Test. Results: All participants presented exercise intolerance at discharge. Performance in the 1-minute Sit and Stand Test was inversely correlated with the degree of dyspnea and directly with inspiratory muscle strength, total score on the Independence Measure Functional, self-care domains, locomotion, mobility and sphincter control. Conclusion: The prevalence of exercise intolerance at discharge due to COVID-19 was 100%, and was correlated with the degree of dyspnea, inspiratory muscle strength and functionality for self-care, locomotion, mobility and sphincter control. The assessment of exercise tolerance stands out as an important predictor of sequelae after COVID-19, capable of assessing the interaction between different organ systems.
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