Immediate effect of mobilization with movement (MWM) in patients with low back pain: a randomized controlled trial
Low Back Pain, Nociceptive Pain, Musculoskeletal Manipulations, RehabilitationAbstract
Objective: To analyze the effect of the Mobilization With Movement (MWM) of the Mulligan’s concept in the perception of nociceptive and neuropathic pain, range of motion (ROM) and joint mobility of individuals with low back pain. Method: This is a randomized and controlled clinical trial, with 30 volunteers with nonspecific low back pain, divided into: Intervention Group (INTG), that received sustained natural apophyseal glides (SNAG) type MWM of the Mulligan’s concept; Control Group (CONTG), which received a similar intervention to INTG. Volunteers were assessed using the Numeric Rating Scale for Pain (NRS Pain); the Modified Schober Test (MST) and ROM by goniometry for lumbar spine mobility and Douleur Neuropatique 4 (DN4) questionnaire for assessment of neuropathic and nociceptive pain. Results: INTG showed an increase in lumbar flexion (pre-intervention= 81.21±15.23°; post-intervention= 90.00±19.62°, p< 0.05), mobility of the lumbar spine in MST (pre= 15.33±1.05 post= 16.08±1.02, p< 0.05) and reduction of pain perception by NRS Pain (pre= 5.33±2.26; post= 1.47±2.61 p< 0.05) and in CONTG (pre= 4.07±2.34; post= 2.20±1.93, p< 0.05). Conclusion: The intervention with MWM - SNAGs promoted improved ROM and mobility in flexion of the lumbar spine, associated with reduction from the nociceptive pain in INTG and CONTG.
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