Quality of life and functional assessment in lower limb prosthetic patients at a referral outpatient clinic in Brazil





Amputees, Rehabilitation, Motor Skills, Functional Status


Limb amputation is one is one of the main causes of human physical disability. Objective: Here, we carried out a functional and quality of life assessment of 172 lower limb amputees treated at a large outpatient clinic in Brazil. Method: This quantitative study was based on The Functional Measure for Amputees questionnaire (FMA) applied during medical consultations. Results: Most patients, particularly males, younger individuals and those with below-the-knee amputations, were able to independently perform daily tasks at home while using prostheses. In community ambulation, the use of support such as a cane and crutches were common, especially by women. Conclusion: Rehabilitation proved effective, leading to an average prosthesis usage of over 11 hours per day. The primary limitations to prosthesis use were perceptions of insufficient speed, fatigue, long distances to be covered and fear of falling.


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How to Cite

Lima VJB de, Gomes EC, Rolim Filho EL, Malheiros Júnior HJA, Souza AA de, Santos FJC dos. Quality of life and functional assessment in lower limb prosthetic patients at a referral outpatient clinic in Brazil. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];31(4):227-34. Available from: https://periodicos.usp.br/actafisiatrica/article/view/223823