Somatotype in Spondyloarthritis and their social interactions
Axial Spondyloarthritis, Social Determinants of Health, Body CompositionAbstract
Spondyloarthritis (SAs) occurs across the anthropometric spectrum as a result of the progression of the disease and the variety of social profiles perceived by the social determinants of health (SDH). Objetive: Evaluate and understand the relationship between Somatotype and the social determinants of health, considering whether it influences or is influenced by style, quality of life, socioeconomic, cultural, environmental, behavioral, hereditary and family profiles. Method: In this study, SDH were characterized using the Dahlgren and Whitehead model and their interactions with anthropometric measurements were investigated in 61 participants with SAs who were being treated at a teaching hospital in Brazil. Analysis of variance and Fisher’s exact test were used to statistically analyze the data to determine the associations. Results: The individual’s SDH in the sample were as follows: 68.9% men; 31.1% women; 63.9% white; 29.5% brown; 6.6% black; mean age of 54.8 ± 13.68 years; 68.9% from the city of Rio de Janeiro; 22.9% from the municipalities of Greater Rio de Janeiro; and 8.1% from Niterói, São Gonçalo and the lakes region. The analysis of the proximal and intermediate social determinants showed the following characteristics of the sample: married, employed or retired, with one child, having three meals per day, living in good sanitatary conditions, with accessibility to transportation and health services. Conclusion: The social sample was heterogeneous, and there was an impact on sleep quality and work environment. Meso-endomorph and mesomorph-endomorph somatotypes were employed (p= 0.033) and had behavior-related problems (p= 0.022); meso-endomorph somatotypes tended to have better sleep quality (p= 0.085). Individuals with ankylosing spondylitis have more access to health services, calm behavior and tend to have more than one child. Conversely, individuals with psoriatic SAs presented a depressive and anxious personality. Body composition was strongly influenced by illness and correlated well with SDH. Through social diagnosis improved approaches can be adopted in the rehabilitation process of patients with SAs.
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