Effect of photobiomodulation therapy on the muscle performance of patients after SARS-CoV





Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Low-Level Light Therapy, Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy Modalities


Objective: To analyze the effects of photobiomodulation therapy PBMT on functional capacity and muscular performance in individuals after severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS. Methods: 15 individuals participated in the research, 7 from the active PBMT group (28.71 ± 12.91 years) and 8 individuals from the placebo PBMT group (28 ± 16.33 years) affected by COVID-19, randomly divided into two groups: placebo PBMT and active PBMT (E-Light IRL-DMC®, 288J). All volunteers underwent a final assessment using the Fatigue Assessment Scale (FAS), peak isometric strength (Lafayette Hand-Held Dynamometer™) of the knee extensors and the five-repetition sit-to-stand test (STS). Then, active or placebo PBMT was applied to six quadriceps sites of the dominant leg. Results: after the protocol the active PBMT for mean peak force obtained (34.31 ± 13.50) and the placebo PBMT group (31.11 ± 7.82) and in the TSLC5 active PBMT group 9.19 ± 1.75) and the placebo PBMT (9.18 ± 2.09), both with no significant difference in increased functional capacity and muscular performance between the groups. Conclusion: PBMT had no effect when compared to placebo in improving functional capacity and muscle performance in post- SARS individuals. Studies with greater sample size are suggested, with the aim of verifying the causal relationship between PBMT and the musculoskeletal repercussions after SARS.


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How to Cite

Quintanilha NR, Bilby ASP, Pereira F da S, Kuriki HU, Marcolino AM, Barbosa RI. Effect of photobiomodulation therapy on the muscle performance of patients after SARS-CoV. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];31(3):172-8. Available from: https://periodicos.usp.br/actafisiatrica/article/view/225573