Acute blood pressure response in hypertensive individuals with amputations after aquatic aerobic exercise: randomized crossover trial
Hypertension, Amputees, Arterial Pressure, Hydrotherapy, ExerciseAbstract
Objective: To assess the effects of an aquatic aerobic exercise session on the BP of hypertensive individuals with amputations and to evaluate whether there is a correlation between BP response to exercise and clinical aspects. Method: Crossover study conducted at a rehabilitation center in São Paulo, Brazil. Individuals underwent an initial assessment and were randomly allocated into an experimental session (45-minute session of aquatic aerobic exercise) and a control session (immersion at rest), alternating sessions after one week. BP was measured at rest, immediately after leaving the swimming pool and after 10, 20 and 30 minutes. Results: Ten patients were included (mean age: 58.9 years). The BP values for immersion at rest were significantly lower than the BP values on land (p= 0.003). There was no significant difference in BP variation between sessions. Conclusion: Aerobic exercise in aquatic environments does not alter the BP in amputees and can be considered a safe intervention for this parameter.
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