Acute blood pressure response in hypertensive individuals with amputations after aquatic aerobic exercise: randomized crossover trial




Hypertension, Amputees, Arterial Pressure, Hydrotherapy, Exercise


Objective: To assess the effects of an aquatic aerobic exercise session on the BP of hypertensive individuals with amputations and to evaluate whether there is a correlation between BP response to exercise and clinical aspects. Method: Crossover study conducted at a rehabilitation center in São Paulo, Brazil. Individuals underwent an initial assessment and were randomly allocated into an experimental session (45-minute session of aquatic aerobic exercise) and a control session (immersion at rest), alternating sessions after one week. BP was measured at rest, immediately after leaving the swimming pool and after 10, 20 and 30 minutes. Results: Ten patients were included (mean age: 58.9 years). The BP values for immersion at rest were significantly lower than the BP values on land (p= 0.003). There was no significant difference in BP variation between sessions. Conclusion: Aerobic exercise in aquatic environments does not alter the BP in amputees and can be considered a safe intervention for this parameter.


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How to Cite

Lourenço MA, Gouvêa JXM de, Carvalho MELM de, Baccaro VM, Magalhães DR de C, Castro CRA de P, et al. Acute blood pressure response in hypertensive individuals with amputations after aquatic aerobic exercise: randomized crossover trial. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];31(4):207-13. Available from: