About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Aspas Journal mission is to publicize researches at Scenic Arts, with particular focus on methodologies developed at the area, opening space to new authors and to formats that escape academy’s traditional format.

Peer Review Process

For an article to be published, it goes through a rigorous and parametric evaluation process signed by reviewers. The referees are chosen by their recognized work in the area. The magazine adopts the " blind review system".

The whole process from submission to publication lasts 6 months maximum.

Publication Frequency

This is a biannual publication.

Open Access Policy

All articles can be assessed and dowloaded free.

Journal History

In 2011, the Seminário de Pesquisas em Andamento (SPA) was born as a local that propelled the exchange between the graduate students of Scenic Arts ECA/USP. The idea came from the necessity of breaking through the long distances between researchers and the research groups from the Graduation Program in Scenic Arts (PPGAC). It appeared as an operator who created bridges and connections for such very enriching dialogues, in which new bibliographical possibilities were revealed. The result of this experience originated the first number of Aspas Journal.

After this first challenge, which was successful, it was perceived the possibility of separation between the SPA and Aspas Journal. In the year of 2012, it was already configured with its own editorial body. In 2013, its restructuring narrowed the bonds with the professors that started to coordinate it, forming a mixed partnership with the graduate students, betting on a format that privileges the development of the program's students.

Still in 2013, this autonomy created new paths. Rapidly, the periodic turns out to be stimulated by PhD students of the area and recommended by their advisors as a reference space for exposing their researches. Thus, the amount of works received from various regions of Brazil is very expressive, as well as from other countries such as France, Cuba and Colombia.