Submission Guidelines


The journal accepts the following formats: Articles, Essays, Translations, Reviews, Ethnographic or Anthropological Film Reviews, Interviews and Visual Productions (Chimeras). Calls for special issues , when made public, will be announced on specific deadlines and with deadlines for receiving contributions. Submissions must be made online only. If you have any questions, please contact us at

This journal will not accept proposals with no inclusion of women and black/non-white authors. Exceptional cases, when justified, will be analyzed by the editorial board.


Articles and essays Must be unpublished, indicate the title, abstract between 100 and 150 words and a list of 3 to 5 keywords (separated by semicolons), all in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Articles must be between 5000 and 9,000 words, including references and notes. Exceptional cases will be evaluated by the editorial board. The names of the authors should not be indicated in the texts and any mention of the authors in the body of the text should appear anonymously (eg. Author, 2016: 23). Manuscripts must be unpublished and respect the principles of good scientific practice and ethics of anthropological research.

Assessment. The article or essay that is within the rules mentioned above will be evaluated by the editorial committee and, if approved, will be evaluated by experts. The result of the opinions could be: “Publication without revision”; “Publishing after minor stylistic or textual revisions”; “Publication only after substantive revisions”; or "Rejection”.


Translations. Translations of relevant and unavailable works in Portuguese language or, in some cases, texts that justify a back translation will be accepted. The works must-have a title and name(s) of the author(s). They must also be accompanied by a copy of the original used in the translation, as well as the authorization of the copyright holder allowing its publication. Translations should not exceed 7,000 words (exceptional cases will be evaluated by the editorial board). The name (s) of the translator (s) should not be indicated in the texts.

Assessment. The quality of the translation will be evaluated by the editorial board. It is recommended that before submitting it the authors make it undergo a technical review, preferably a doctoral professor familiar with the theoretical propositions of the text. If the text is submitted without technical revision, the editorial board will appoint an expert to do so.


Book and filme reviews. Book reviews published within four years prior to the call for papers opening date will be accepted. Papers should indicate the bibliographic reference of the reviewed work and should not exceed 3500 words. Exceptional cases will be evaluated by the editorial board. The name(s) of the author(s) should not be indicated in the texts and any mention of the authors in the body of the text should appear in anonymously (e.g. #Author, 2016: 26). Reviews submitted must be unpublished and respect the principles of good scientific practice.

Reviews of ethnographic or anthropology-related films will be accepted. From the analysed work, the texts should bring a contribution that takes into account the current discussions of anthropology from the point of view of its practice and theory. Papers should indicate the bibliographic reference of the reviewed work and should not exceed 3000 words. Exceptional cases will be evaluated by the editorial board. The name (s) of the author (s) should not be indicated in the texts. The texts must be unpublished and respect the principles of good scientific practice and ethics of anthropological research

 Evaluation All reviews submitted to the journal will be evaluated by a peer reviewer. The result of the opinion may be: “Publication” or “Rejection”. In the event of assent, the opinion may suggest minor changes to be incorporated into the final version of the text.


Interviews should include only the name(s) of the interviewee(s). They must also contain a presentation of a maximum of 400 words. Interviews should not exceed 9,000 words (exceptional cases will be evaluated by the editorial board). We also request the authorization of the interviewee(s), agreeing to the publication of the work. The names of the interviewers should not be indicated in the text.

Evaluation The interview that complies with the norms mentioned above will be evaluated by the editorial committee and, if the committee deems it necessary, it will go for technical review by an expert in the field. The result of the opinion may be: “Publication” or “Rejection”. In some cases, the reviewer may suggest minor changes to be incorporated into the final version of the text.


Visual Productions (Chimeras Section) The Chimeras Section is dedicated to the publication of aesthetic productions such as photographic essays, illustrations and drawings. Papers should have a title and a short presentation informing the nature and context of the work. The limit for each submission is up to 12 images, in resolution from 300 dpi, accompanied by the indication of authorship and year. Subtitles are optional. You must submit authorizations for use, including the possible publication of one of the photos on the cover of the magazine. The name (s) of the author (s) should not be indicated in the text.

Evaluation: Papers will be sent to a curator, appointed by the editorial board, who will be responsible for the evaluation and selection of the essay (s) to be published.


Dossiers (Special section) The Special section of Cadernos de Campo brings together thematic dossiers suggested by the Editorial Board or prepared by organizers invited by the Editorial Board. The dossiers must gather between 5 and 7 works by authors from at least three institutions. It is strongly recommended that there is also a commitment to ensure the regional and gender diversity of authors. Those interested in submitting proposals should submit a summary containing the dossier proposal, the form of dossier composition (where the papers come from: event, call for papers, invitation, etc). The texts must be unpublished and respect the principles of good scientific practice and ethics of anthropological research. Applicants are expected to have a doctoral degree and production in the thematic field of the dossier.

Evaluation The submitted dossier proposals will be evaluated by the Editorial Board, considering the workflow, the publication calendar, the attention to the rules established for the section, and the alignment of the proposal with the journal's editorial policy.



 Papers should be typed in A4 page, Times New Roman font, body 12, 1.5 cm spacing, with left/right margins 2.5cm, header/footer 3cm, in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) or OpenOffice (.odt)

a. Maps, tables, images etc. they should be sent in a separate file with clear indications throughout the text of the places where they should be included. In the case of photographs, they must be digitized with a resolution from 300dpi, .JPG format and accompanied by the author / source data and year of production.

 b. Notes. The notes should be included at the bottom of the page and should be kept to a minimum, preferably intended to provide clarifications or considerations that do not fit the logical sequence of the text. References should not be placed in the notes.

c. Quotes. Quotations should follow the pattern: (author, year of work: page number). For example: (Hurston, 1935: 87). If there is a repetition of the same author in successive citations, the format should be repeated (author, year of work, page number). Quotations longer than three lines should come in a separate paragraph, indenting 1.5cm, size 10, without quotation marks, and spacing between lines of 1.5cm.

d. References. The bibliographic references must come at the end of the work, listed in alphabetical order. Following are examples:



In all cases, references cited in the manuscript should be presented at the end. See bellow for examples of how to format

 a) BooksSURNAME, Fist name.Title. (Translated by). Place of publication: Publisher.

WESTON, Kath. 1991. Families we choose: lesbians, gays, kinship. New York: Columbia University Press.

MCCORMACK, Carol; STRATHERN, Marilyn. (Eds). 1980. Nature, culture and gender. London: Cambridge University Press

STRATHERN, Marilyn. 2006. O gênero da dádiva: problemas com as mulheres e problemas com a sociedade na Melanésia. Tradução de André Villalobos. Campinas: Editora Unicamp.


b) Chapters within books: SURNAME, First name. Year. Title. In: SURNAME, First name. (Ed.). Title. Place of publication: Publisher, pages.

ABU-LUGHOD, Lila. 1991. Writing against culture. In: FOX, Richard (Ed). Recapturing Anthropology: working in the present. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press, p.137-154.

MOORE, Lisa. Among Khmer and Vietnamese refugee women in Thailand: no safe place. 1993.  In: BELL, Diane; CAPLAN, Pat; KARIM, Wazir Jahan (Eds). Gendered fields: women, men and ethnography. London: Routledge, p.117-127.

STRATHERN, Marilyn. 2014. As novas modernidades. In: STRATHERN, Marilyn. O efeito etnográfico e outros ensaios de antropologia. (Tradução do capítulo por Jamile Pinheiro). São Paulo: Cosac & Naify, p.321-343.

 c) Journal articles: SURNAME, Name. Title. In: Journal name, vol, issue: page. DOI

LIMA, Tania Stolze. 1996. O dois e seu múltiplo: reflexões sobre o perspectivismo em uma cosmologia Tupi. In: Mana, vol.2, n.2: p.21-47. DOI

NOTE: Please include DOIs for all journal articles where possible.


d) Organisational publications: AUTHOR GROUP. Year. Title. Place of publication: Publisher

CIMI – Conselho Indigenista Missionário. 2019. Relatório violência contra os povos indígenas no Brasil – dados de 2018. Brasília: CIMI.


e) Official documents and publications: Author/Institution. Year. Title. Place of Publication, Publisher

 BRASIL. 2006. Lei Nº 11.340, de 7 de agosto de 2006 - cria mecanismos para coibir a violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher. Brasília: Presidência da República/Subchefia de Assuntos Jurídicos

BRASIL. 1985. Exposição de motivos 770, de 16 de dezembro de 1985. Brasília: Gabinete da Presidência. (mimeo).


f) Theses and dissertations: AUTHOR, A. Title. Unpublished thesis (PhD), institution.

ALBERT, Bruce. 1985. Temps du sang, temps des cendres: répresentation de la maladie, système rituel et espace politique chez les Yanomami du Sud-Est (Amazonie Brésilienne). Paris, Tese de doutorado, Université Paris X – Nanterre.


g) Works of the author(s)

 AUTHOR, 2016.

 AUTHOR # 1; AUTHOR # 2, 2016.



Cadernos de Campo adopts a double peer-review process. Please ensure that you consider the anonymity guidelines when preparing your manuscript. The manuscript file should not include:  (a) Full author name(s); (b) Affiliation(s); (c) Corresponding author’s email address; (d) Author(s) short biography



 The submission of manuscripts will be made solely by the site. The author must subscribe to the journal by selecting the author option, generate login and password ( When you log in, you will be directed to the User Page, where you must click on [New Submission].


The submission process is divided into five steps. The author must complete all steps properly. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in rejection of the work. The optional fields will be indicated.


The five steps are:

  1. Beginning: Choose the Section (Articles and Essays, Chimeras, Interview, Translations, Reports, Reviews, Reviews of Ethnographic or Anthropological Film), accept the Terms of Submission, the Copyright Statement and write Comments for Editor (optional).


  1. Transfer of the Manuscript. Attach the work (in .doc, .docx, or .odt format) to the site and click Download.


  1. Inclusion of Metadata. Information about Authors, Author Inclusion (if any), Title and Summary, Indexing, Supporting Agencies (if any), and References.


  1. Transfer of Supplementary Documents. If necessary, you can attach supplementary material (maps, images, tables) related to the article. In Chimeras section, here you can attach the imagens (the presentation text should be entered in step 2). Remember that images must be scanned with a resolution from 300dpi, .JPG format. The authorization term for the interview and translations must be submitted at this time as well.


  1. Confirmation: Verify the previous steps and Complete Submission.