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Author Guidelines

The Communication & Education Magazine is a semi-annual publication (January / June, July / December) in the area of Communication and Education. In addition, Revista, today, is one of the main vehicles of study and research in the field of Educommunication.

Articles are received in a continuous stream, that is, we receive texts at any time of the year;
Original and unpublished articles by doctors are accepted. Articles of doctoral students, masters and masters will be accepted, provided that in co-authoring with a doctor.
The texts presented at congresses, symposia and seminars are accepted, provided they are structured in the form of articles, are unpublished and in accordance with the norms of publication.
1 - Criteria for publication

A) All papers received will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee in order to evaluate the pertinence of the submission, regarding the scope and norms of the journal. The works then approved are sent, in a blind evaluation system (without reference to authorship), for the evaluation of referees, members of the Scientific Council or ad hoc referees. In the possession of the opinions, the article is evaluated by the Editorial Committee. Subsequently, the author is sent a response of acceptance, modification or refusal. Modifications for new presentation will be subject to the same article submission process. It is important to highlight that the entire process, from submission of the article, submission to reviewers, review and editing are done via the OJS platform on the magazine's website.

B) The opinions expressed in the articles are the responsibility of the authors.

C) Submission of originals implies acceptance that, in case of publication, the author assigns his copyrights to the magazine (in all media).

D) Submissions in Portuguese must observe the New Orthographic Agreement (decree nº 6.583).

E) Articles must be submitted by electronic mail:

2 - Articles

A) The titles should be short, and intertitling is necessary;

B) The author (s) (maximum of three) must submit a mini resume of no more than three lines with the email;

C) The article, at the beginning of the text, must be abstract and abstract with a maximum of 10 and at least 8 lines.

D) Under the abstract there should be 5 keywords.

E) Both the abstract and the keywords must be in Portuguese and English.

F) Each article must have a maximum of 35,000 and at least 20,000 characters with space;

G) Source: times new roman, body 12, between lines with space 1,5;

H) Insert page number at the end of the sheet;

I) Paper size: A4 (2.10 x 2.97 cm), with portrait orientation, upper, lower, left and right margins of 2.5 cm;

J) Standards: ABNT NBR 6023

3- References and References

A) The citations must be in footnotes.

Example: AUGÉ, Marc. The War of Dreams. Campinas (SP): Papirus, 1998, p. 80.

B) It is only necessary to repeat at the end the general reference, without the page number. Example: AUGÉ, Marc. The War of Dreams. Campinas (SP): Papirus, 1998.

C) The bibliographic reference should have a maximum of 2 pages.

5 - Illustrations:

Images (figures and photos): must be clear, in the maximum size of 9 x 14 cm, presented in standard JPEG digital format at 300dpi; Should be centered on the document and contain captions;
Charts, tables and tables must be accompanied by explanatory title in order to understand the meaning of the data collected;
For reprints of photographs, figures, tables, tables and graphs extracted from other texts, the reference source must be indicated and attached to the authorization of the source or the author;
All illustrations should be in the body of the text and in separate text files.
International Articles:

Languages can be: English, Spanish, Italian or French (all will be translated into Portuguese).
The titles of foreign works must be accompanied by the Portuguese translation, enclosed in parentheses.
Bibliographical references must be complete and in accordance with ABNT standards.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Original and unpublished articles by doctors are accepted. They will be accepted by doctoral students, masters and masters since co-authoring with a doctor.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; Otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • Files for submission are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (provided they do not exceed 2MB)
  • URLs for referrals were informed when needed.
  • The text is in space 1,5; Uses a 12-point Times New Roman font; Uses italic instead of underlining (except URL addresses); The figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (eg articles), the instructions available under Ensuring blind peer evaluation were followed.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, on the About the Journal page.
  • The authorship identification of the work was removed from the file and the Properties option in Word, thus guaranteeing the journal's confidentiality criterion, if submitted for peer review (ex: articles), according to instructions available in Ensuring the Peer Blind Assessment
  • I authorize the publication of the submitted article and soon the copyrights to the magazine, in the printed and electronic version, if it is approved after the evaluation of the reviewers.
  • The standard adopted by Communication & Education for the elaboration of references is ABNT NBR 6023 (check in:
  • The bibliographic references must include the DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
  • The opinions expressed in the text are the responsibility of the authors.
  • Each article must have a maximum of 45,000 characters and a minimum of 30,000 characters with spaces, and present the complete bibliographic references only and exclusively in the footnotes. Any other comments should be incorporated into the text.
  • Submissions from authors outside the publishing institution are accepted, as long as they follow the journal's guidelines.
  • There is no similarity (self-plagiarism) with any other text made public (annals and/or dissertations and theses), remembering that the maximum allowed is 50%.
  • Titles must be short, have a maximum of 15 words, and make the theme of the article clear.
  • The summary must contain between 500 and 700 characters (with spaces); explain, in an informative manner and without enumerating topics, the following items: general theme and research problem; objectives and/or hypotheses; methodology used, highlighting the object of study; main theoretical references, main results and conclusions.

Privacy Statement


The names and addresses given in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.