Analogue teaching machines: the pioneers of artificial intelligence in learning




Artificial intelligence, Cognition, Learning technologies, Education, Adaptive learning


This study offers a brief history of the analogue teaching machines created almost a century ago, arguing that they can be considered as the true forerunners of artificial intelligence in education. To do so, it examines the premises of these old machines, pointing out that they closely resemble those currently associated with machine learning systems. These premises include the individualization of teaching, the reduction of the burden of laborious activities on teachers, and a better teaching experience by automating teaching. Current apprehensions about the arrival of AI systems also resemble those that plagued society when analogue machines first appeared - for example, the fear of teachers being replaced by robotic artefacts and the fear of a distancing between students and teachers rather than a closer relationship. By seeking out these connections, this study takes analyses the digital technologies used for learning, trying to help pave the way for a critical reflection on these uses based on valuing the human perspective over artificial intelligence.


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Author Biography

  • Camila Leporace, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

    Doutora em Educação pela Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, e pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), em regime de cotutela (2023). Jornalista pela PUC-Rio (2005) com mestrado em Educação pela PUC-Rio (2019). Professora de pós-graduação no Centro Universitário Carioca (Unicarioca).


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Dossiê Do analógico à inteligência artificial: 30 anos de Comunicação & Educação

How to Cite

Leporace, C. (2024). Analogue teaching machines: the pioneers of artificial intelligence in learning. Comunicação & Educação, 29(1), 95-109.