The Laughter of Ana Cristina Cesar: Poetry Between Body and Text


  • Maria Beatriz Thibes Universidade de São Paulo



Hélène Cixous, Ana Cristina Cesar, Roland Barthes, language, reality, body


The article seeks to contemplate critical poetry, or the criticism present in the poetry of Ana Cristina Cesar. The strong presence of an intimate scene in her poetics, which calls, summons the reader to read a confession and, at the same time, leaves them with the open threads of reading, the open threads of life itself, of the body itself. It is this tension between language and reality, literature and life, the body of the poem and the body of the author (the author herself) that interests us here. Tensions (games) created in and through language, which seduce and (dis)orient the reader, the body of the reader (the reader herself). It seduces and sustains the game (the pleasure) that is writing, reading.


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How to Cite

Thibes, M. B. (2024). The Laughter of Ana Cristina Cesar: Poetry Between Body and Text. Revista Criação & Crítica, 38, 217-235.