Poesia e exílio: passos do decadentismo português


  • Patrícia Helena Baialuna de Andrade




Exílio, Simbolismo, Modernidade, Poesia portuguesa


The period known as fin-de-siècle, which comprises the passage from the nineteenth to the twentieth century, was marked by intense changes in the European artistic scene; from the symbolist tendency to decadence, from the European avant-garde to the beginnings of modernism, the era was of many proposals and experiences aiming the new. In a brief overview of the main social and philosophical issues that marked the Portuguese scenario of the period, we aim in this essay to show how Portuguese poetry, from symbolism to the Orfeu Generation, did in fact appropriate the tendencies that were present in the discourse of artists and critics of the time. Bringing as an example some excerpts from poems of the period, we browse an epoch with the existential posture of the Poet that feels exiled, not belonging to the modern world that surrounds him.


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Author Biography

  • Patrícia Helena Baialuna de Andrade
    Doutora em Estudos Literários pela Unesp, campus Araraquara.


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How to Cite

Andrade, P. H. B. de. (2018). Poesia e exílio: passos do decadentismo português. Revista Desassossego, 10(20), 22-43. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2175-3180.v10i20p22-43