A formação da voz poética em Sinais de Fogo de Jorge de Sena


  • Jorge Vaz de Carvalho Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Lisboa




Jorge de Sena, Sinais de Fogo, Poetic voice, Poetic composition


Sinais de Fogo [Signal of Fire] narrates the way Jorge, born with the character of a poet, had to wait for his nature to manifest it in due time, after having assumed, even against his own will and initial oddness, his condition and, for that reason, finally, he had to respond to his inner need, fulfilling that will, in his resolution to write. In the construction of the four poems that he goes through in the narrative, a cycle of four is completed, symbolic of the conclusion of his own existential cycle that they imitate, having fulfilled the rite of passage to maturity, from an age when he was merely a spectator of life to another age, new, in which he became the protagonist (of the novel and his existence).



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Author Biography

  • Jorge Vaz de Carvalho, Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Lisboa

    Professor da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Católica Portuguesa - Lisboa



How to Cite

Carvalho, J. V. de. (2019). A formação da voz poética em Sinais de Fogo de Jorge de Sena. Revista Desassossego, 11(21), 4-9. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2175-3180.v11i21p4-9