A influência da cultura na gestão das empresas latino-americanas
Culture, Enterprise management, Innovation, Latin America, Economic developmentAbstract
The text deals with the influence of history, geography and cultural aspects on economic development dedicating more attention to the way companies are managed. The focus of the paper is Latin America. After a summary about the history of the region with emphasis in the economic aspects the text tries to analyze some habits and uses of Latin Americans and explain how they influence the enterprises and the way they are being managed. Special attention is dedicated to the innovation subject and to the reason why they are so scarce on the continent.Downloads
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How to Cite
Feldmann, P. R. (2010). A influência da cultura na gestão das empresas latino-americanas . Estudos Avançados, 24(68), 321-334. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/10481