O compartilhamento de obras científicas na internet


  • Luiz Gonzaga da Silva Adolfo Universidade Luterana do Brasil
  • Ieda Rocha Universidade Luterana do Brasil
  • Laura Luce Maisonnave Universidade Luterana do Brasil


Copyrights, Authors rights, Technology sharing, Scientific work, Internet, Informational society


It is well known that modern advances in science technology in the digital age facilitate the exchange of information and data, contributing to the spread of culture and the development of education and citizenship, conferring status and prestige to the authors. This study proposes a reflection of the paradigm shift from a model conceived in the Copyright nineteenth-century liberal, embedded in Brazilian copyright law in force and in its draft amendment, which provides a limited file sharing as part of a scientific in the virtual field. It is a goal to finally contribute to the debate of the reform of Law No. 9610/98, demonstrating that there are more benefits than harm to scientific authors have their publications disseminated in a comprehensive and accessible on the Internet.


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How to Cite

Adolfo, L. G. da S., Rocha, I., & Maisonnave, L. L. (2012). O compartilhamento de obras científicas na internet . Estudos Avançados, 26(75), 309-320. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/39500