A Convenção n.151 da OIT e seus impactos para os servidores públicos no Brasil
In 2010, Brazil became a signatory to the Convention n.151 of the International Labour Organisation. This Convention deals with labor relations in the public sector, seeking better working conditions for these employees. However, the signing of this standard does not guarantee effectively that such will be met internally. This article aims to analyse the difficulties faced by Brazil to regulate it and trace the evolution of the process of institutionalization of collective bargaining in brazilian public sector. In addition, we seek to highlight the expectations of the labor movement with the signing of Convention n.151 and what impacts this has provoked in public sector labour legislation.Downloads
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Work, Employment and Income
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How to Cite
Calvete, C. da S., & Garcia, M. H. (2014). A Convenção n.151 da OIT e seus impactos para os servidores públicos no Brasil . Estudos Avançados, 28(81), 201-212. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/83903