O Kakekotobanos poemas clássicos japoneses: analise da morfossintaxe e do campo semântico
japanese classical literature, japanese classical language, rhetoric devices, kakekotoba.摘要
Since kakekotoba uses homophony,this device opérâtes in différent syntactic structures, creating overlaps and complexity in the text. From the analysis of morphosyntax and semantic field of this device, it is possible to understand its function. Using the concepts of isotopy and connector of isotopies by French Semiotics,kakekotoba can be understood as a connector that links the isotopy of human and the isotopy of nature.##plugins.themes.default.displayStats.downloads##
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Nakaema, O. Y. (2012). O Kakekotobanos poemas clássicos japoneses: analise da morfossintaxe e do campo semântico. Estudos Japoneses, 32, 143-160. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-7125.v0i32p143-160