Spinoza and Blyenbergh: between the semantics of friendship and the one of evil


  • Douglas Nunes Vieira Universidade de São Paulo




Spinoza, friendship, truth, God, evil, Perfection


Born as a promising beginning of a friendship formed between two lovers of truth, the correspondence between Spinoza and Blyenbergh turned out to be a real disappointment. Because they knew the truth through different paths, in the languages of Spinoza and Blyenbergh, the words God and evil, which underpin the entire problem of the correspondence, could only mean completely different things. Although both agreed that God is supremely perfect and the cause of all things, Blyenbergh conceived that men and women could go against God, saddening him to the point of punishing them for it, Spinoza, on the other hand, understood that God is nothing but absolute perfection. While one conceived evil as a deprivation of good, for the other, it is nothingness. For this reason, Spinoza and Blyenbergh could never communicate with each other using the language of philosophers, a necessary condition for uniting themselves for the love of truth. 


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Author Biography

  • Douglas Nunes Vieira, Universidade de São Paulo



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How to Cite

Vieira, D. N. (2024). Spinoza and Blyenbergh: between the semantics of friendship and the one of evil. Cadernos Espinosanos, 50, 139-168. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-9012.espinosa.2024.222545