About a policy for welcoming teachers in situation of inclusion





training, reception, inclusion, psychoanalysis


Starting from a critique of the so-called “rationalist utopia” dominant in the field of teacher training, we intend, in this article, to demonstrate the presence of unconscious factors in the relationship between the teacher and his student, making a hole in the articulated referential knowledge that the teacher built in his training. We also seek to demonstrate, based on fragments of sessions from the teacher listening group device, how it is possible to mobilize this unconscious factors, with formative and not just therapeutic effects. This work approach allowed us to reflect on a policy of welcoming teachers, inspired by psychoanalysis, as well as situating its main concept, that of an inclusion clinic.


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Author Biography

  • Rinaldo Voltolini, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Educação
    psicanálise, infância, transmissão


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How to Cite

Voltolini, R. (2024). About a policy for welcoming teachers in situation of inclusion. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 29(1), 72-85. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1981-1624.v29i1p72-85