Scores on children, school and bio politics


  • Mercedes Minnicelli Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Faculdad de Psicologia



childhood and institutions, school, bio politic, Childhood and institutions, Bio politic


This paper works the question about the school topic related to the supposition of the bio politic determinism that the “era of consumption” imposes us. Restlessness that summons and leads us as psychoanalysts to the disciplinary epistemic field that sets childhood and institutions where we can say that where there is a speaking subject, the bio politic is kneaded, is transformed, is signified in the possible minimum expression, sayings and facts that we have named minimal ceremonies in and by which, the signifiers naturalized and tied to the incessant repetition of the eternal return of the same, make possible at the same time discursive mobility, when it is possible to do of that said, other said. Untiring task of the human at the time that inquiries and interpellates the statement of the school, as social institution, is consumed. Statement that is consume when we do acritical echo without questioning the effects. We will expose how we must separate childhood from school to dislodge said sweeping effects. We will see that if there is a notion whose bio politic pregnancy we can notice whatever the meaning of it we adopt, that notion is childhood.


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How to Cite

Minnicelli, M. (2019). Scores on children, school and bio politics. Clinical Styles. The Journal on the Vicissitudes of Childhood, 24(3), 400-407.