Hysteria, trauma and seduction: “what did they make poor child ” (A coward Freud?)
Abuse sexual, Trauma, Childhood, Hysteria, Infantile sexuality, PsychoanalysisAbstract
The accusations of Masson against Freud, for having abandoned the theory of the seduction, they inaugurated a controversy around the validity of that theory, in the explanation of the hysteria and around the own psychoanalysis. Followers propose the turn of that theory, denouncing the infantile abuse, and they accuse coward’s Freud and ambitious. Already the opponents see in that supposed abandonment, no the disregard with the childhood, but the possibility of the development of the psychoanalysis. We analyzed those speeches and we concluded that Freud, starting from the theory of the seduction, left his inheritance: the theorization, for the psychoanalysis, around the fantasy and of the infantile sexuality and, among other contributions, dispersed elements with which Laplanche can elaborate the general theory seduction.Downloads
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