A look at the budget: municipal cultural policies


  • Jenifer da Silva Botossi University of Taubaté (UNITAU)




Cultural policy., Public budget., Taubaté.


The article addresses the identification and analysis of municipal cultural policies from the perspective of the public budget. For this purpose, the municipal budget laws and data of the Transparency Portal for the year 2017 were considered as the municipality of Taubaté, located in the State of São Paulo. The results obtained indicate the lack of clarity in the construction of the culture budget, the concentration of resources for events without interface with a constituted cultural policy and for the maintenance of the structures of the managed spaces, the lack of resources for investments, and the absence of mechanisms to measure the impacts and results achieved with the actions carried out. This hinders the planning, implementation, evaluation and social control of municipal cultural policies, since they lack specifications in the budget and transparency in the objectives, goals and details of the programs and actions planned and carried out.



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Author Biography

  • Jenifer da Silva Botossi, University of Taubaté (UNITAU)

    She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Public Policy Management from USP and a Master's degree in Regional Management and Development from UNITAU. She was an administrative assistant at the State Secretariat of Culture of São Paulo for Abaçaí, where she acted in actions developed by the SEC, such as the Pontos de Cultura program. She was a dancer at Cia Balé in the city of Taubaté, participating in the cultural production of shows. He was a junior analyst at Via Gutenberg, where he participated in the drafting of sustainability reports (GRI standard), and the formulation, implementation and evaluation of results of social and cultural projects and programs. She was a volunteer at SIDART NGO, a non-governmental organization, located in Jaipur-India, where she assisted in the monitoring of actions and the elaboration of project and reports for maintainers. Between 2015 and 2016, he was a reviewer of dance projects accredited by MinC. She is a cultural producer in independent projects and uses incentive mechanisms, having been responsible for writing, managing and rendering accounts of the projects "Circulação 10 Anos do Balé da Cidade de Taubaté" (2015), "Cultura em Movimento" (2015), and "Kahlo when they do not see me" (2017), all performed in the city of Taubaté and applied for awards awards.


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GT1 - Produção, circulação e fruição de bens culturais

How to Cite

Botossi, J. da S. (2019). A look at the budget: municipal cultural policies. Revista Extraprensa, 12, 32-48. https://doi.org/10.11606/extraprensa2019.152093