Cultural Do-In at the Pedramar Garden: art in the neighborhood as expression of the community


  • Claudia Regina Lemes Secretariat of Education of the State of São Paulo (SEESP)
  • Paulo Roxo Barja University of Vale do Paraíba (UNIVAP)



art, community, popular culture, environmental education, literature


This article presents a cultural project carried out at the Jardim Pedramar neighborhood, in the outskirts of Jacareí (SP), in 2018, which obtained funding through the Tax Incentive Law. The project was directed to students of the public network and provided these students with contact with cultural activities in each of the places visited in the neighborhood: Community Library, Chapel of St. Benedict, Praça Guarani and Gruta dos Crioulos. All project steps were registered through writing, photographs and video by participants of the executing team. Posters were created with poems in popular form presenting the proposed activities: reading, graffiti, Mozambique and environmental awareness. Popular poetry served as an element connecting the activities and points visited. The project points out a path that can guide public cultural policies: the use of public spaces in the community expression and the integration of a peripheral district to the municipality via the Culture route.


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Author Biographies

  • Claudia Regina Lemes, Secretariat of Education of the State of São Paulo (SEESP)

    He holds a Masters in Semiotics, Information Technology and Education from Braz Cubas University (2009). MBA in Business Management in Education - Universidade Federal Fluminense (2016) Graduated in Pedagogy from the Faculty of Education Thereza Porto Marques. (2005) She is a teacher and author of literary books. Director at the State Department of Education. Interested in studies on gender, violence and education, Critical Theory. Attended the first semester of 2017, as a special student at the Institute of Psychology of the University of São Paulo the disciplines: Advanced Seminar on Research in Socioemotional Developmental Psychology II; Prejudice, Individual and Culture. Currently attending (second semester of 2017) at the Institute of Psychology of the University of São Paulo the disciplines: The Look at Difference and the Different: Questions on the Use of Photography and Video in Psychology Research; Critical Theory and Violence: the Training for Barbary in the Managed World. Currently attends the discipline: Psychology and Ideology: Analysis of the Psychological Dimension of Ideology in the Perspective of Critical Theory, in IPUSP - As a special student.

  • Paulo Roxo Barja, University of Vale do Paraíba (UNIVAP)

    PRB - Lecturer-researcher at UNIVAP since 2002, where he works in the areas of Statistics, Mathematical Modeling and Critical Media Analysis. Author / creator of Jose Jose Cordes with more than 10 books published, he holds a PhD in Sciences from Unicamp, with a postdoctoral degree from USP.


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How to Cite

Lemes, C. R., & Barja, P. R. (2019). Cultural Do-In at the Pedramar Garden: art in the neighborhood as expression of the community. Revista Extraprensa, 12, 397-416.