Companies and tiktok: a study on narratives and reputation


  • Naira de Paula Escola Superio de Propaganda e Marketing, Rio de Janeiro
  • Lucia Santa-Cruz Escola Superio de Propaganda e Marketing, Rio de Janeiro



TikTok, Carrefour, Reputation, Consumer


The social media environment influences various aspects of our society, and the relationship between consumers and brands is not exempt from this context. Brazil has 79.9% of its population actively participating in at least one social network. In this scenario, this article aims to identify the objective of consumers when engaging with brands indirectly on TikTok, rather than through the official channels of the company. The chosen brand for this study is Carrefour, as it is part of Grupo Carrefour Brasil, the largest retail company in the country. The presupposition being investigated is whether consumers' use of TikTok aims to impact the reputation of the brand. In terms of methodology, it is a qualitative approach with an exploratory objective. Regarding the results, they further elaborate on the presupposed argument.


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Author Biographies

  • Naira de Paula, Escola Superio de Propaganda e Marketing, Rio de Janeiro

    Master's student of the Professional Master's degree in Creative Economy, Strategy and Innovation at ESPM Rio (PPGECEI/ESPM). Journalist graduated from Uerj in 2008. Specialist in corporate communications and crisis management.

  • Lucia Santa-Cruz, Escola Superio de Propaganda e Marketing, Rio de Janeiro

    Researcher and Adjunct Professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Creative Economy, Strategy and Innovation at ESPM Rio (PPGECEI/ESPM) and of the Undergraduate Courses in Journalism, Cinema and Advertising at ESPM Rio. PhD and Master in Communication and Culture (UFRJ). Graduated journalist (UFRJ).


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How to Cite

Paula, N. de O. L. de, & Santa-Cruz, L. (2023). Companies and tiktok: a study on narratives and reputation. Revista Extraprensa, 17(1), 174-189.