Prevalence of low back pain among CrossFit participants: a cross-sectional study
Low Back Pain, Epidemiology, ExerciseAbstract
CrossFit is a physical conditioning modality
characterized by various movement patterns, activities,
and energy systems. This study aimed to investigate the
prevalence of occasional low back pain in the 12 months prior
the study and during the lifetime of Brazilian practitioners of
CrossFit. This is a cross-sectional study designed to reach the
largest possible number of participants. To achieve this, an
electronic questionnaire was created using an online platform
(Google Forms). The invitation to participate in the research
was distributed to Brazilian practitioners via Facebook and
Instagram platforms. Data were collected on prevalence
of low back pain at three time points: current (occasional
prevalence), in the past year, and at any moment in life
(lifetime prevalence). Of the 309 participants included, 90.3%
(n=279) reported low back pain at some point in their lives,
whereas, 75.1% (n=232) reported at least one episode of low
back pain in the last 12 months, and 15.5% (n=48) reported
having low back pain while answering the questionnaire Although low back pain was frequent among CrossFit practitioners
it was generally occasional episodes, of moderate intensity and not
severe enough to limit the participants’ usual activities or routine
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Copyright (c) 2024 Karina Ayumi Martins Utida Utida, Tamires Cibeli Biberg e Silva, Kallebe Caires de Lima, Aleff Ary Tozzo, Rafaela Oliveira Cortes, Silvio Assis de Oliveira-Júnior

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