ARCO 2020: The first edition of The International Conference on Art Collections in Florence




ARCO 2020


The International Conference ARCO 2020 has been promoted to focus the attention on art collections, joining different issues which play a fundamental role in their valorization, such as Cultural Heritage, Safety, Design and Digital Innovation. Each of these areas have produced important contributions, becoming essential research assets. Each research, in these years, has been developed within its proper field, and presented in many specific Conferences.

ARCO 2020 has been promoted with the belief that all the subjects focused on art collections should be developed jointly, or – at least – not ignoring each other.

The strong awareness of the multidisciplinary value of art exhibitions has increased within the research activity developed in these last years by some of the promoters of the Conference. The research team which promoted the Conference was born in 2016, with the research project named “RESIMUS” focused on the resilience of the art collections exhibited at the Museum of Bargello of Florence. The research, promoted by Stefania Viti and Giacomo Pirazzoli, activated many studies and projects, involving many researchers belonging to different fields, which started working together and producing many relevant contributions.


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Como Citar

VITI, Stefania. ARCO 2020: The first edition of The International Conference on Art Collections in Florence. Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos, São Carlos, v. 16, n. 3, 2021. DOI: 10.11606/gtp.v16i3.180606. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 mar. 2025.