Post-occupancy evaluation of the standard project of Proinfância program: early childhood education school in south Brazil




Post-Occupancy Evaluation, Performance, Proinfância, Early Childhood Education School


The National Program for Restructuring and Equipment Acquisition for the Public Early Childhood School Network (Proinfância) has currently invested in the construction of new schools and in the improvement of the infrastructure with federal government resources of the Growth Acceleration Plan. However, the multiplication of standard projects throughout the country, without due attention to the climatic diversity, can generate problems, mainly of thermal discomfort, in internal environments. This work presents a Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) of an Early Childhood Education located in South of Brazil. The objective of the study was to evaluate the performance of a building from a standard project, as well as to analyze the application of the procedures and instruments usually employed in POE, identifying its advantages and limitations. In methodological terms the Walkthrough, Questionnaire and Visual Mapping instruments were applied. Concerning the performance evaluation, there was dissatisfaction with the floor of the building, with unprotected external circulations, noise coming from the covered patio, the inadequate location of the cafeteria, the small size of the classrooms and the lack of restrooms near the rooms. It was verified, with the application of the instruments, that the Visual Mapping also allowed that aspects that went unrecognized in the Questionnaire and the Walkthrough were identified. This experience confirms the importance of the inclusion of diversified POE instruments, so that it is possible to identify and deepen factors pertinent to environmental conditions, as well as to clarify notes through cross-answers. The research concludes the need to review some aspects of the standard project of Proinfância in order to have constant qualification process and that allow both environmental and cultural adaptations, in a such diverse country.


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How to Cite

MODLER, Nébora Lazzarotto; BERLEZE, Angélica Saccol; TSUTSUMI, Edison Kiyoshi; LINCZUK, Vinicius Cesar Cadena; AZEVEDO, Giselle Arteiro Nielsen. Post-occupancy evaluation of the standard project of Proinfância program: early childhood education school in south Brazil. Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos (Design Management and Technology), São Carlos, v. 13, n. 2, p. 95–118, 2018. DOI: 10.11606/gtp.v13i2.126495. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.