The Building owner's manual practice: classification according to NBR 14037
Owner’s manual, Building Manual, NBR 14037:2014, Maintenance, SurveyAbstract
The building use, operation,and maintenance manual, also known as the building owner's manual, is a document that provides all the information necessary to guide building maintenance and use activities. The qualification of the technical documentation produced is relevant to improve the communication in the process throughout the design and execution stages together with the explanation of questions regarding the building.The owner's manual helps in this context.According to the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, the NBR 14037 - Guidelines for building use, operation and maintenance manual preparation - Requirements for content preparation and presentation - is intended to: guide the users of the building on its technical characteristics, recommend procedures for the better building use, propose maintenance activities, and prevent the occurrence of failures and accidents resulting from misuse and contribute to the building longevity.For that reason, this paper aims to classify practiced building owner's manual according to NBR 14037 recommendations, how it is developed, its delivery format, and the manual type according to the building use and standard. The research method used was the survey. Results are presented by region of Brazil, by building standard and by NBR 14037 items. In terms of adherence of the manuals to NBR 14037, it was verified that the items in the manuals did not have a consistent approach and, occasionally, the maintenance issues require greater care by the builders. It has been found that content involving warranties and technical assistance rated best among the owner's manuals evaluated, being encouraged by the Consumer Defense Code. In addition, it was observed a greater use of printed manuals, developed by the construction company itself and with variations of the manual according to the building use and standard. Finally, it is concluded that the owner's manual, in the survey carried out, presents deficiencies that demand improvements in the form of presentation, as well as in the media and its contents.
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