Santa Leopoldina Digital
for a territorialist information system (SITER)
Territorial Heritage, Documentation, Representation, Intervention, PlanningAbstract
The structuring of Santa Leopoldina_Digital presents itself as continuity and expansion of perspectives opened by investigations linked to the Heritage & Development Laboratory, Federal University of Espírito Santo. They are research works with the purpose of documenting and representing the territorial patrimony, oriented to the elaboration of methodological subsidy for project, planning and intervention. In a conceptual perspective, the registration of patrimonial elements is oriented towards the mapping of objects and actions with potential to support the interpretation of the territorial heritage and prospection of scenarios and heritage transformation projects. The theme is a reflection of the contemporary state of art in relation to the problematic of unsustainability in the territory and to the overcoming of the dichotomous pairs patrimony-sacred and development-destruction. Santa Leopoldina is the oldest urban center of Espírito Santo and one of the first to settle in the non-coastal lands. To this historical condition, it adds its value as a place of multicultural and social encounter. Realization in time, is understood in its architectural and urban dimension, through the identification of spatial units of urban expansion. The registration of the territorial-landscape heritage and the interpretation of processes with impact on its conservation allow to evaluate the modification of the urban ambiance in its association to the mapping of values. SL_DIGITAL presents itself as an instrument of representation, planning and management, contributing to the recognition, preservation and (re) insertion of values in the territory.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Renata Hermanny de Almeida, Bruno Amaral de Andrade, Damiany Farina Nossa, Mariana Paim Rodrigues, Miguel Brunoro Thome

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