Compositive And Luminic Organization of a Fractal Facade
Development and Evaluation
Fractal geometry, Facade elements, Parametric process, Project decisionsAbstract
This work describes the development and compositional evaluation of a parametric design process that allows the organization of façade elements, with characteristics of fractal geometry, according to the needs of the architectural party or by the consequent behavior of daylight. For this purpose, protection elements based on linear fractals were created, and through these elements it is possible to form and control compositional arrangements according to the solar radiation incident under the facade. The results of these arrangements are evaluated quantitatively through dynamic simulations of natural light, and qualitatively through rendered models and a physical model, built with the aid of a laser cutter. To develop the parametric process a sequence of actions was elaborated within a visual programming software, the main modules being: the creation of an urban environment; the formation of a facade element; and evaluation components for the process. In conclusion, it was possible to identify that the results and means of evaluation provided by the parametric process make it possible to broaden the decision making of the designer, and may prioritize their choices. These decisions can still be potentiated with the help of physical models, as they make it possible to identify point characteristics that may alter the compositional definitions already identified in quantitative analyzes and two-dimensional visualizations.
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