Laser scanning in three dimensions and integrated survey methods:critical reflection from the FAU USP-DIAPReM cooperation
Architectural heritage, integrated survey methods, 3D laser scanningAbstract
This article discusses integrated survey methods for architectural assets. Aims at highlighting the characteristics and potential of 3D laser scanning. The text is based on the experience of the scientific cooperation between Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo of the Universidade de São Paulo (FAU USP) and the research laboratory of the Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Unife) – Development of Integrated Automatic Procedures for Restoration of Monuments (DIAPReM). The analysis is centered on the joint experiences between the institutions on the Vilanova Artigas Building, headquarters of FAU USP, and Ipiranga Museum USP. To structure the text, the characteristics of the collaboration between the institutions are initially presented, followed by the analysis of the works done in the Vilanova Artigas Building and in the Ipiranga Museum. The particularities of the method and the discussion of its potentialities during the training cycles of FAU USP students are then examined, followed by considerations about laser scanning and its role in the integrated survey methods. The text ends with reflections on the method and its potential, emphasizing the need for a critical approach.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Beatriz Mugayar Kühl, Renata Cima Campiotto, Marcello Balzani, Federica Maietti, Luca Rossato, Fabiana Raco

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Funding data
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Grant numbers 2019/10406-0 -
Getty Foundation
Grant numbers Keeping it Modern Program -
Universidade de São Paulo
Grant numbers FUSP Projeto 2921