Veneza Farm Chapel: a comparative analysis of point clouds accuracy obtained from different Photogrammetry tools and techniques
Decio Tozzi, Photogrammetry, Structure from Motion, Software comparisonAbstract
The Veneza Farm Chapel, designed by architect Decio Tozzi, is a building of great importance for both its plasticity and representativeness, as well as for the heritage of modern Brazilian architecture. The building, located in the city of Valinhos, SP, has won several awards nationally and internationally. Considering its importance, there was a need to conduct a geometric survey using Digital Photogrammetry. In view of the available range of software for photogrammetric processing, this research compares the accuracy of the dense point cloud dimensions, in relation to the building actual dimensions, generated in the most used programs in scientific research. This study was developed from the following steps: (i) Systematic Literature Review; (ii) on-site measurement of the building; (iii) flight planning: free with targets (V1); and autonomous with double grid and control points established through total station (V2); (iv) data collection by aerial photogrammetry with Unmanned Aircraft System (V1 and V2); (v) processing of data obtained in the most common programs (V1 and V2); (vi) comparison of real dimensions with measurements obtained in dense clouds; and (vii) statistical analysis. It was observed that the accuracy of the point cloud is influenced by the techniques and equipment used in data collection and by the software used in the processing. This research contributes to the realization of future Photogrammetric surveys, since it highlights best practices to achieve greater accuracy.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Maíra Sebastião Dias, Arq., Ana Regina Mizrahy Cuperschmid, Dra., Cauê Carneiro Santiago, Eng. civil, Marcos Alexandre Godoy, Eng. civil, Danielle Skubs, Me., Adriana Volpon Diogo Righetto, Dra., Melina Lopes Silva, Arq., Henrique Candido Oliveira, Dr.

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