Farmers as subjects of territory-heritage production: a Methodological test in family properties the Metropolitan Region of Paraiba Valley and North Coast/SP




Remote sensing, Spatial data analysis, Land use and coverage, Territorial management


Cartographies elaboration that represents the powers of places, with a territorial approach to heritage, helps in territorial planning on a regional scale. In the Italian Territorialist School perspective, the heritage values present in territory are identified according to historical and geographical formation rules. Thus, this article main objective is to investigate the family farmers' relationship as "territory producers" in open spaces. The analysis focus is the medium and small scale agricultural production types and livestock, and the producer’s family structures characterization, in all sub-region 2, a component of the Metropolitan Region of Paraiba Valley and North Coast (RMVPLN). These agents were investigated by consulting the census data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) referring to the 2017 Agricultural Census and 2010 Demographic Census to apply spatial data analysis techniques. Associated with procedures for digital remote sensing images processing from the CBERS-4 satellite, and with the land use and coverage patterns classification present in three groups of municipalities subdivided according to the relief characteristics. The spatial distribution of family properties was identified using a regionalization technique based on the family composition, nuclear and anaparental arrangements, and the productive activities observed under the census sector unity. It is expected that through the cartographic representation of these agents it will contribute to the productive force reintegration and the the family production places revaluation. To develop strategies for inclusive spatial planning management and construction, considering the heritage values, the socio-cultural and environmental characteristics present in the territory.


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Author Biographies

  • Nayla Ingrid Ramos Martins, National Institute for Space Research

    Master's student in Remote Sensing at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), integrates the Research Laboratory for investigation in Socio-environmental Systems (LiSS - OBT / INPE). Bachelor of Architecture and Urbanism from the University of Taubaté (2014-2018). Participated in university extension as a fellow at the Center for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage - NPPC for 4 years and 8 months (2014-2018), at the University of Taubaté. Development of 9 (nine) projects in the area of ​​architectural restoration and cultural heritage preservation, with the research group NPPC - UNITAU. He received 3 (three) prizes in scientific initiation presentations in the XI and XII SEMEX (Extension Seminar), V and VI CICTED (International Congress on Science, Technology, and Development). Participated through the International Agreement between the University of Taubaté and the Polytechnic of Bari of the IX International Summer School, Survey for Planning: New Technologies and Land Protection, H2O = LIFE, held in Alberobello (BA), Puglia, Italy (2018).

  • Antonio Miguel Vieira Monteiro, National Institute for Space Research

    Graduated in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Espiríto Santo (UFES), holds a Masters degree in Applied Computing from the National Institute for Space Research - INPE, and a PhD from the Space Science Center of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University of Sussex at Brighton in Electronic Engineering and Control/Computer Science (EECS), obtained in October 1993. Since April 1985 works in the Image Processing Division – DPI/INPE. He works with the construction of geographically sensitive indicators and the use of geotechnologies and spatial analysis methods in the urban and public health problems study. The current focus is on the use of models and computational simulation as mediating objects for socio-territorial inequalities dynamics study. He is an advisor in INPE's Applied Computing, Remote Sensing and Earth System Science programs. He is currently the Coordinator of the Institutional Space and Society Program at INPE and coordinates the LiSS - Research Laboratory for investigation in Socio-environmental Systems in the Earth Observation Area at INPE.

  • Renata Hermanny de Almeida, Federal University of Espirito Santo

    Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (1986), Master in Architecture and Urbanism, in the Conservation and Restoration concentration area, from the Federal University of Bahia (1993), and a doctorate in Architecture and Urbanism, in the Theory and Practice of Conservation concentration area and Restoration, by the Federal University of Bahia (2005), having completed a Doctorate in Sandwich Abroad, by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (2002-2003). She is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, working in the Architecture and Urbanism Department (1992-), and in the Architecture and Urbanism Graduate Program, at the Master's level (2007-); and as coordinator of the Heritage & Development Laboratory - Patri_Lab (2009 -). She has experience in the Architecture and Urbanism area, with an emphasis on Fundamentals of Architecture and Urbanism, Conservation and Restoration, Architecture and Urbanism Project, Heritage, Management and Sustainability, Urban-architectural intervention. Since 2018 she is the coordinator of the ICOMOS Espírito Santo State Nucleus.

  • Tathiane Mayumi Anazawa, National Institute for Space Research

    Researcher in post-doctoral internship at the National Institute for Space Research (FAPESP scholarship) Graduated in Bachelor of Biological Sciences at the Ponta Grossa State University (2007), Master in Remote Sensing at the National Institute of Space Research (2012) and PhD in Demography by the State University of Campinas (2017). She is currently a researcher at LiSS - Research Laboratory for investigation in Socio-environmental Systems (INPE). She has experience in the ​​indicators area, geoprocessing, qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches, working mainly on the following themes: vulnerability, territorial indicators, population and environment.


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How to Cite

MARTINS, Nayla Ingrid Ramos; MONTEIRO, Antonio Miguel Vieira; ALMEIDA, Renata Hermanny de; ANAZAWA, Tathiane Mayumi. Farmers as subjects of territory-heritage production: a Methodological test in family properties the Metropolitan Region of Paraiba Valley and North Coast/SP. Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos (Design Management and Technology), São Carlos, v. 16, n. 3, 2021. DOI: 10.11606/gtp.v16i3.174766. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.