Survey and non-destructive testing technologies: actions of technical cooperation and public policies as prospects for heritage protection
Cultural heritage, Preservation, Architectural surveyAbstract
Currently, there is a great debate on heritage preservation, among other issues, regarding the urgency for a new gaze that can encourage the use of several buildings in central areas that are abandoned or underutilized. In this perspective, the relationship between heritage preservation and the use of new technologies is more prominent in a globalized world. This article intends to present actions carried out in technical cooperation involving architectural survey by 3D scanning and non-destructive tests on cultural heritage. Thus, the article presents the understanding of heritage documentation as a basis for its preservation. It presents some possibilities of surveys and non-destructive tests, based on four experiences (Largo da Memória and Monumento à Independência, in the city of São Paulo; Seminário Presbiteriano do Sul, in Campinas-SP and Fazenda Lageado, in Botucatu- SP). The experiences presented were carried out in cooperation with research institutions, and thus, it is intended to list the possibilities as bases for the formulation of public policies for the preservation of heritage.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Mariana de Souza Rolim, Guilherme Antonio Michelin, Valter Luis Caldana Junior

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