BIM maturity assessment instrument automation
Component model, BIM macro maturity, Noteworthy BIM publications (NBP), Macro BIM assessmentAbstract
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is considered as a disruptive innovation for Civil Construction Industry. Measuring a country’s BIM maturity requires macro-scale analysis and a specific approach. This paper is part of an ongoing PhD research that aims to deepen the issues related to the assessment of BIM maturity in countries. Based on the “Component Model,” created in 2015 by researchers Bilal Succar and Mohamad Kassem, the methodology used was Design Science Research (DSR) and proposes the construction of an artifact referred to the Notable BIM Publications (NBPs) component as a source of evidence for macro maturity analysis. For a macro market maturity response, it was essential to establish flows so that the NBPs collected could be recorded, enabling qualifying, quantifying and validate as evidence. In this sense, a logic involving concepts related to the Content Taxonomy and the Relevance Index has been created - essential to check four requirements: Existence, Coverage and Content Overlay, Relevance and Optimization of NBPs. The partial results revealed a system that can be applied by automating the use of the “Component Model”.
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