Post-occupancy evaluation in psychosocial care centers: identifying the demands and specificities of this architectural typology
Post-Occupancy Evaluation, Psychosocial Care Centers, Mental HealthAbstract
The Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) provide comprehensive mental health care with a multidisciplinary team in a proper facility. Presently, public health management is provided primarily on pre-existing buildings, which are then adapted and renovated, sometimes without the healthcare workers' participation in the development of the design process. In addition, the primary references for the design of these spaces lack definitions regarding aspects of humanization, comfort, and work optimization. This study aims to verify how adequate the existing facilities are for the performance of activities that make up mental health treatment. To this end, we carried out Post-Occupancy Evaluations (POE) in three units in the city of São Paulo, whose buildings were renovated to serve as CAPS AD III. A technical survey collected data about the building's architecture, and workers answered a questionnaire about their perception of the quality of the environment. In total, 100 people participated. The results indicate that the requirements of the Physical Structure Manual of CAPS and the requirements set out in the regulations corresponding to this type of project do not cover the entire briefing. Throughout the discussion, we address the demands and specificities identified for this type of building: the residential style, the space customization, the promotion of acceptance and autonomy, the environmental comfort, and the exclusive spaces for the workers. The POE results show that CAPS has demands often not addressed in renovation and adaptation projects.
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