Passive protection requirements for cross laminated timber according to ABNT NBR 15575:2021
building assembly, cross laminated timber, performance, fire safetyAbstract
The development of new materials and technologies in civil construction has contributed to the introduction of innovative industrialized buildings assemblies and an example of this is the Cross Laminated Timber – CLT. In Brazil, there are already several examples of buildings that have adopted this assembly, with a tendency to increase, however, to be applied in a broader market, including the building range for low-income dwellings, innovative buildings assemblies need to be evaluated and approved based on the technical standards of minimum performance established in the country. For assemblies in timber structure there is still no national regulations that deals with the issue of fire safety. However, based on the requirements set forth in ABNT NBR 15575:2021, the fire behavior of the CLT can be evaluated and the criteria for both project development and its national manufacturing process can be specified, for its better incorporation into the project decisions. This article presents an analysis of existing parameters for the evaluation of fire safety of buildings assemblies in CLT and proposes the application of criteria for the evaluation of CLT performance in Brazil, in order to ensure safety to users, having as a cut out the single dwelling buildings, isolated, detached house or townhouse, at the national level
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Copyright (c) 2022 Patricia Meira de Alcântara Costa Felix, Rosaria Ono, Fabiana Lopes de Oliveira

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