Mass customization system to improve the design quality of house expansions in the context of social housing
social housing, co-design, expansions, post-occupancy, solution spaceAbstract
This paper proposes a mass customization system for the social housing context for the lowest income range of housing programs. This study starts from the conclusions of previous studies that analyzed this context in concert with the possibilities of mass customization. This study adopts the framework for mass customization based on three attributes – solution development, robust process design, and choice navigation – to develop the mass customization system. This study argues that the differentiation of the houses should happen post-occupancy. Thus, the study structures processes and systems to help the families in their designs so that their needs are met, as they change over time, without creating problems for the city. The proposed processes are seen as a strategy to optimize the use of resources to improve the environments of the houses and of the city. The proposed mass customization system has the potential to expand the reach of technical assistance actions, regarding the individual design of renovations, to reach many families without the need to increase the budget for this purpose to the same proportion. This system differs from other mass customization strategies for housing by including post-occupancy processes as an integral part of the manufacturing process. Furthermore, this study shows that it is possible to focus the objective of the mass customization strategy on broader benefits to society, in addition to individual benefits.
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