Interoperabilities in the cultural heritage documentation and communication process
Heritage Education; Heritage Documentation; digital information; HBIM.Abstract
This article discusses the complex process of documenting cultural heritage, from the conception of the 3D mapping project, through massive data acquisition, by laser scanning or photogrammetry, analysis and management of the data base, elaboration of scientific drawings and models Mesh and HBIM, until the output/communication of information, seeking to achieve pre-established objectives (heritage education, maintenance, conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, among others). In this process, the interfaces, which will be called interoperability here, are still a challenge for the actors in the process, whether they are producers or receivers of information. Therefore, this text is structured from the five interoperability present in the workflow of the process: semantic and international, organizational, inter-community, technical and human interoperability. The research was divided into three moments: a) bibliographic review; b) experimentation and c) analysis and discussion of results. Specifically regarding technical interoperability, that is, the interface between different software and between different means of representation, the research was based on the investigation methodology by Design Science Research (DSR), from the identification of a problem, application of a hypothesis optimization of the interface between the mesh models and the HBIM model, evaluation and analysis of the same, conclusion and learning from the process carried out. The study that served as a support to discuss the different interoperability in the process of heritage documentation was the Centro de Divulgação Científica e Cultural da da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), in São Carlos - SP.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Simone Helena Tanoue Vizioli, Alfonso Ippolito, Gisele Martins, Gabriel Pazeti, Giovana Alves Ferreira, Eduardo Galbes Breda de LIma

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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Grant numbers 2018/18958-0