The seeding process from computing to design for social innovation: a systematic literature review
technology, open innovation, social innovation, collaborative housesAbstract
This article presents a systematic literature review on the concept of seeding, which was initially developed in the field of computing by Gerhard Fischer and the team at the Center for LifeLong Learning and Design, and subsequently integrated into the field of design. The concept is used to denote participatory processes for the diffusion of innovation, not only open, but also appropriable by the people to whom they are open (communities of designers, developers, and users). Therefore, these processes are capable of autonomous evolution, in a continuous and potentially infinite way. Metaphorically, the concept of seeding refers to design seeds conceived for the dissemination of innovation. Progressively, the concept begins to appear in sectors where associative organizations and public administrations operate, demonstrating its potential for the evolution of the discourse of social innovation. The review collected various understandings of the concept and deepened its application in design. The main result of the review was the understanding of its applicability specifically in the field of design for social innovation. In fact, the concept of seeding was found to be particularly relevant to understanding and practicing open and participatory design processes for social innovations that can be freely disseminated in society and autonomously appropriated by the communities reached. Finally, the paper presents the case of the Collaborative Houses in Porto Alegre, which illustrates the conceptual developments of the seeding process, as well as its applicability in design for social innovation.
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