Architecture and health humanization: approaching knowledge and perspectives
Healthcare Buildings, Humanization, Research, Architectural DesignAbstract
The theme of humanization in health and the role of the physical hospital environment in the recovery process of patients has assumed an important emphasis in the reflections of different fields of knowledge. In Brazil, the use of the term humanization was consolidated through the implementation of a policy within the Unified Health System that promoted a series of changes in the scenario of service management, design and construction of establishments with different levels of complexity. Thus, the article presents a discussion about this movement and its relationship with architecture, pointing theories and concepts relevant to its study, possibilities of application in architectural design and development of research in the area. Based on a narrative review of interdisciplinary, national and international literature on the subject, it was possible to verify the direct influence of person-environment studies and the use of qualitative approaches, based on multimethods, in the set of recurrent aspects in the works produced in recent years.
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