Inclusive interior architecture: residential environments for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
inclusion, sensorial architecture, inclusive design, ASDAbstract
Architecture interferes with the way of living and feeling the built environment. It is capable of influencing the individual's interrelationships with space, including their behavior and emotions. Identifying the particularities and needs of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their sensory functioning is important for understanding the influence that the environment, especially the domestic one, can have on them and how to make this relationship positive, making the architecture of friendlier interiors. This paper, result of a Course Conclusion Work in Architecture and Urbanism, in addition to reflecting on the topic, highlights design recommendations for residential environments sensitive to autistic children. To this end, a theoretical foundation phase and an experimental phase were considered, in which the concepts explored were illustrated in an interior architecture design test to adapt an apartment-type housing unit. The results highlight the need for the home environment to promote comfort, safety and autonomy; respect unique characteristics, as well as assist in social and mental development, through strategies of sensory stimulation, environmental integration, spatial legibility and risk mitigation. The design essay presented does not intend to universalize guidelines or be a general example but to bring to light recommendations that can guide architects and designers.
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