The vacancy rate in multifunctional buildings and possible relationships with the architectural characteristics
Multifunctionalism, Vertical buildings, Commercial Architecture, PlinthsAbstract
The amount of cities undergoing verticalization processes in Brazil is steadily increasing. This phenomenon is characterized by a growing demand for housing in vertical buildings, contributing to a market model commonly characterized by high-rise, low occupancy rates, and minimal or no connection with public spaces, compromising social experiences at street level. Multifunctionality has been suggested as a possible response to maintaining urban vitality. However, in this context, the quality of plinths, the type of activities, their occupancy, and the flow of people are crucial factors. As the result of a master's thesis, this article aims to address the following question: Is there a relationship between architectural design decisions and the vacancy rate identified in spaces dedicated to commerce and services in mixed-use buildings? Through a comparative analysis of 84 existing multifunctional vertical buildings in the city of Londrina, Brazil, measurements were taken, and the results suggest a certain degree of influence of specific design decisions on the functioning of ground floors and the mapped vacancy rate. As the main scientific contributions, this research highlights the potential use of the vacancy rate as an evaluation parameter for projects and demonstrates specific aspects of ground floor characteristics with commercial and service activities in multifunctional buildings that can be taken into account in future projects to enhance the building-street relationship.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Claudia de Souza Santos, Sidnei Junior Guadanhim, Eloisa Ramos Ribeiro Rodrigues

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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Grant numbers 88887.492770/2020-00;88887.634774/2021-00