Zenital openings performance evalaution regarding solar radiation and daylight indoor spaces using parametric modeling and numerical simulation
Building performance, Illuminance, Daylighting, Solar radiationAbstract
Using daylight from the zenith opening is a design feature that can reduce energy consumption in buildings. However, there are conditions so that visual and thermal discomfort does not occur due to excessive solar radiation inside the building, which may be undesirable in hot climate regions. This study used parametric models and numerical simulations to evaluate the autonomy levels of zenithal daylighting and the incidence of solar radiation in indoor environments with four types of zenithal openings. A climate database of a region in Brazil with low latitude, characterized by a hot and humid tropical climate, was used. The performance of daylight opening typologies was evaluated using the measurement of Useful Daylight Illuminance and incident solar radiation, considering annual, daily and hourly average results. The study dealt with analyses regarding the zenith openings, oriented North-South and East-West, considering sensors at the walls and the floor. The numerical simulation results showed that this parametric model could help the architectural design process regarding the daylight and incidence of solar radiation in indoor environments, providing optimized configurations for the room and the zenith opening dimensions. Additionally, the results exhibit that in each zenithal typology studied, the room has a shape and dimensions that result in optimal performance in lighting autonomy levels.
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