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Bending, Making, Laser Cut, Digital Fabrication, Material Techniques, Double CurvatureResumen
This study presents the outcomes and findings of a three-step experimentation to integrate analog and digital design and modeling techniques, with a particular focus on augmenting the affordance of bending behavior and curvilinearity of rigid planar surface materials. In the scope of the experimentation process, cardboard was used as a material, cutting and bending actions were utilized as techniques and laser cut and visual scripting environment were involved as tools. The potentials of subtractive material techniques such as cut, bend, kerf operations are examined. The experimentation covers hands-on pattern generation, embedment of cut patterns to 2D planar material, re-mapping 2D patterns onto 3D surfaces based on the insights gained in the previous phase and exploration of new 3D freeform surfaces both in physical and digital environments. The three-step experimentation model presented has potentials to contribute to the pedagogical studies focusing on explorative and creative approaches for integrative design formation and fabrication processes.
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