Acquired Syphilis: construction and validation of educational technology for adolescents
validation studies, educational technology, syphilis, adolescentAbstract
Introduction: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), syphilis has once again become a highly prevalent disease, presenting itself as a serious public health problem. This Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) is present in all social strata, both developed and developing, in HIV-positive and immunocompetent HIV-infected individuals in both men and women.
Objective: Validate a serial album aimed at adolescents in the school environment with a focus on acquired syphilis.
Methods: This is a methodological study, in which it refers to investigations of methods of obtaining and organizing data to construct, validate and evaluate research instruments and techniques that may later be used by others. The methodological steps are: Bibliographical survey, construction of the serial album, validation with the expert judges and validation with target audience. After obtaining the data, the analysis will be done by the software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 20.0, and arranged them later in tables. This research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Hospital Agamenon Magalhães - HAM, with the number 2.670.213. Confidentiality will be guaranteed on all information collected, ensuring the anonymity of the participants, obeying the determinations contained in Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council.
Innovation: This is the first work to validate a serial album directed to adolescents in the school environment, developed by professionals specialized in the subject and with the capacity to make important information available, resulting in preventive measures that directly influence health services.
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