Call for papers - dossier 44


One of the recurring concerns throughout technological transformation, especially those marked by the development of computation and digital media, refers to how one could think about creativity and the notion of archive/file in an increasingly technology-centered scenario. At the same time that technoculture provokes uncertainties about authorship, automation, and control of the act of creation, it also reveals a spread of experimentation, marked by the appropriation of practices, materialities, and files.

Due to the transit between analog and digital, and the computational paradigm as a procedure for creation, interaction, and “remediation”, new layers are added to the complexity of the processes which, in its turn, defy the studies of genetic criticism.

The 44th Manuscrítica welcomes proposals for papers that explore the implications and potential of the processual/procedural as an analytical tool in the transit between digital and analog. It is also of interest to this special issue the search for perspectives on creation as a cultural, social, and technological phenomenon, as well as proposals that investigate the artistic and communicational production in new media from a critical and processual/procedural perspective. 

Themes of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • The effervescence of archives/files of a self-referential, ephemeral, or immaterial nature;
  • The new spaces of memory and essayistic creation: the ubiquity of online digital storage (social media, platforms, blogs, and games as supports for creation);
  • Digital archives/files and analog practices: how the storage of digital images reverberates in the act of creation;
  • Questioning the idea of distributed and/or remote subject;
  • Potentialities of co-authorship and technological symbiosis in the act of creation;
  • Challenges in the documentation and representation of works and exhibition of a hybrid and computational nature;
  • "Telematic art", poetics and interactions;
  • Individual or collective works and/or exhibitions for online digital systems;
  • Modes of presence: institutional projects of exhibition, presentations, and curatorship created for online digital systems;
  • Datasets as a material of creation: potentialities;
  • Unarchive web-pages: how to deal with process traces;
  • Error, chance e interference: glitch art and/or fractal art;
  • Cybernetics and feminism: the processual/procedural as a multiplier of perspectives;
  • Computational vision and operational images;
  • Artificial intelligence, algorithms, machine learning, and creativity.

Make a submission:

Equipe editorial:
Wagner Miranda Dias (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo)
Paula Martinelli (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo)
Camila Mangueira Soares (Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto)